Thank you Mr. ShortsHoward. I really enjoy these posts. As we postpone the launch of of our own project to further develop our community (and await more concrete direction from the market) this analysis is especially helpful as our background is that of advertising and mainstream story tellers, but also Instagram community builders. We're slowly learning how to marry the two in this quickly evolving space. Nobody wants to be the pets.com of the NFT space.

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Brilliant, really enjoyed reading this. I'm looking forward to seeing a second phase in the NFT space where 99% of the current projects have failed - I don't mean that in a sardonic way, but just in an evolutionary sense. You are right when you say that "Many NFT projects will fail and hold no value in the long term because they relied too much on hype without actually building a strong base of loyal supporters." I guess what I find most exciting is not necessarily where the $/E values of the successful projects go, but the strength of those communities which have formed in successful projects over the longer term. Cryptopunks is probably as close to an example as you have of that right now.

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